Sponsorship Packages

The various sponsor levels are identified here, along with the benefits and recognition that will be provided to sponsors. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please complete and mail, fax, or e-mail the attached sponsorship form. The amounts are U.S. bank drafted funds.

There are opportunities for sponsorship of the conference through Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver-level packages. Each package includes exclusive sponsorship of a unique aspect of the event (e.g., a session focused on an important industry topic, an off-site program, a social networking reception, etc.). In addition, each sponsorship package delivers other great benefits, such as maximizing speaking opportunities, the promotion of your company brand and expertise internationally—both in advance of the conference and at the event itself, offering complimentary delegate registrations, and much more.  

Contact Ms Caroline Thuo at the Congress Secretariat congress@genbioconsortium.africa for more details on sponsorship opportunities.

Why Sponsor the 2nd Genetic Biocontrol Congress?

  • Promote your company brand to industry leaders
  • Develop collaborative partnerships and business leads
  • Reinforce your company’s expertise in a certain field or important industry topic
  • Better understand international business opportunities
  • Network with top influential people in the industry internationally, regionally, and locally
  • Pursue a prominent speaking opportunity or a session-chair role
  • Enjoy social-networking events at top venues in your region
  • Be promoted to media outlets in conjunction with the conference
  • Include your logo on conference collateral
  • Gain knowledge and insight in the latest thinking on sustainability, tall buildings, and urban development

This is an elite sponsorship opportunity providing superior recognition and visibility at the Congress.
Sponsor or co-sponsor one of the following major conference events:

  • Internationally-recognized Keynote Speaker (s)
  • Name Badges with company logo on badge
  • Gift with company logo for all attendees
  • Conference App
  • Opening Reception
  • Any combination of 2 events, Gold, Silver, or Bronze

Sponsor benefits

  • Designation as a “Special Event Sponsor” of the Global Genetic Biocontrol Congress and recognition accordingly throughout the year.
  • One-time opportunity for an exclusive email blast sent to the Congress delegates pre-Congress.
  • One-time opportunity for an exclusive email blast sent to Congress delegates post-Congress.
  • Corporate acknowledgment in all media materials and Global Genetic Biocontrol Congress e-Program, as well as in social media.
  • Sponsor of the highest-profile project in the exhibit hall
  • Opportunity to introduce your company/organization from the conference podium
  • 12 complimentary conference registrations
  • Acknowledgement in the speaker’s section of the Congress website
  • Acknowledgement by the Chair prior to each speaking session
  • Double exhibit booth (10’ x 10’) in exhibit hall
  • Full-page back cover, 4-color ad in conference program
  • Logo on conference giveaway (prominent Corporate logo placement in or on Congress Delegate Bag (Placement on bags) and Lanyards
  • Promoted on conference mobile application
  • Company profile, logo, and contact information in conference program
  • Logo on conference signage, event promotions, event wear and event website
  • Attendee email list
  • Option to participate in ongoing event-day promotions
  • Organization profile included in pre-event social media promotions
  • Opportunity to host a Symposium

This is a unique marketing opportunity, and we are confident your participation in this prestigious event at this level will provide your company with exceptional commercial rewards.

Sponsor benefits: As a Platinum Sponsor, your company will benefit from the highest level of exposure.

  • Designation as a “Platinum Sponsor” of the Global Genetic Biocontrol Congress and recognition accordingly throughout the year.
  • One-time opportunity for an exclusive email blast sent to the Congress delegates pre-Congress.
  • One-time opportunity for an exclusive email blast sent to Congress delegates post-Congress.
  • Corporate acknowledgment in all media materials and Global Genetic Biocontrol Congress e-Program, as well as in social media.
  • Acknowledgement in the speakers’ section of the Congress website
  • Acknowledgement by the Chair prior to each speaking session
  • 6 complimentary conference registrations
  • One double exhibit booth (10’ x 20’) with prime location in exhibit hall
  • VIP seating at front of conference hall
  • Full-page, 4-color ad in conference program
  • Company/organization branding on all event lanyards and conference bags
  • Logo gets top billing on conference giveaway
  • Company profile, logo, and contact information in conference program
  • Logo on conference signage, event promotions, event wear and event website
  • Attendee email list
  • Option to participate in ongoing event-day promotions
  • Organization profile included in pre-event social media promotions

As a Gold Sponsor or co-sponsor, you may sponsor one of the following major conference events:

  • Regionally-recognized Keynote Speaker
  • Name Badges with company logo on badge
  • Gift with company logo for all attendees
  • Conference App
  • Opening Reception

Sponsor benefits: As a Gold Sponsor, you will be recognized as a key sponsor of the Meeting and will have the following entitlements.

  • Designation as a “Gold Sponsor” of the Genetic Biocontrol Congress and recognition accordingly throughout the contract period.
  • One-time opportunity for an exclusive email blast sent to Congress delegates post-Congress.
  • Corporate acknowledgment in all media materials and Congress e-Program, as well as in social media.
  • Podium recognition during conference proceedings
  • Podium speaker introduction as sponsor of ONE of the Keynote speakers
  • 4 complimentary conference registrations
  • One double exhibit booth (10’ x 20’) in the exhibit hall
  • VIP seating at front of conference hall
  • Full-page, 4-color ad in conference program
  • Logo on conference giveaway
  • Company profile, logo, and contact information in conference program
  • Logo on conference signage, event promotions, event wear and event website
  • Attendee email list
  • Option to participate in ongoing event-day promotions
  • Organization profile included in pre-event social media promotions

A Silver sponsor or co-sponsor one of the following conference events:

  • Invited Speaker
  • Printing Conference Proceedings book
  • Lunches


Sponsor benefits: As a Silver Sponsor, you will be recognized as a key sponsor of the Congress and will have the following entitlements.


  • Designation as a “Silver Sponsor” of the Genetic Biocontrol Congress and recognition accordingly throughout the contract period.
  • Corporate acknowledgment in all media materials and Congress e-Program, as well as in social media.
  • Podium recognition as sponsor of ONE of the following event meals or luncheon
  • Two complimentary conference registrations
  • One single exhibit booth (10’ x 10’) in exhibit hall
  • VIP seating near mainstage
  • ¾-page, 4-color ad in conference program
  • Recognition (with logo) in rotating signage from conference main stage
  • 50-word profile of company/organization in conference program
  • Logo on conference signage, event promotions, and event website
  • Attendee email list
  • Option to participate in ongoing event-day promotions
  • Organization profile included in pre-event social media promotions

A Bronze sponsor or co-sponsor one of the following conference events:

  • Breakfast or morning teas or lunches
  • One reception

Sponsor benefits: As a Bronze Sponsor, you will be recognized as a key sponsor of the Congress and will have the following entitlements.

  • Designation as a “Bronze Sponsor” of the Genetic Biocontrol Congress and recognition accordingly throughout the contract period.
  • Corporate acknowledgment in all media materials and Congress e-Program, as well as in social media.
  • Two (2) complimentary conference registrations
  • One single booth (10’ x 10’) in exhibit hall
  • ½-page, 4-color ad in conference program
  • Recognition (with logo) in rotating signage from main stage
  • 50-word profile of company/organization in conference program
  • Logo on conference signage, event promotions, and event website
  • Attendee email list
  • Option to participate in ongoing event-day promotions
  • Organization profile included in pre-event social media promotions

The African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium is supporting the Young Investigator Forum that support, graduate, post-doctoral students and early career research scientists through travel grants and opportunities for them to show case their research. Expected to attract more than 60 attendees, the Young Investigator Forum objectives are to:

  • Introduce varied career paths open to trainees.
  • Enable the exchange of ideas between trainees and mentors in the field of genetic biocontrol.

As a Young Investigator Sponsor you will be able to achieve the following benefits and recognition:

  • Recognition according to the level of support throughout the contract period.
  • Corporate acknowledgment in all media materials and social media where the Young Investigator Forum is promoted.
  • Opportunity for an exclusive email blast, which will be sent to trainees prior to the event.
  • Opportunity to address the audience.
  • Corporate logo placement included on:
    • On-site signage.
    • Young Investigator Forum Program.
    • Young Investigator Forum’s webpage, with link to your corporate website.
    • Advertisement in Consortium’s monthly newsletter.

The Congress provides an opportunity for your company to host a separate side event or a symposium of your choice for Congress delegates. A good symposium will add value for delegates by introducing interesting topics and engaging speakers. It is also an opportunity for a sponsor to create a customized experience that reflects the company’s strengths and values and provides exclusive brand awareness among key opinion leaders.

Benefits and Recognition for sponsorship includes:

  • Opportunity to address the audience.
  • Corporate Logo included on:
    • Signage at entrance.
    • Signage at each table or as permitted by the Congress Committee.
    • Opportunity to include a communication piece in the Congress delegate bag.

Symposium contents and speaker selection are subject to Congress Committee approval. All costs are assumed by the hosting company, including room rental, audio-visual materials, signage (at entrance & on each table), food and/or refreshments.

We invite media outlets and partners to help us promote the Congress. As a sponsor your company will be eligible to:

  • Promote the Congress extensively in the related digital media outlets and in print if print publication.
  • Commitment of media coverage of the Congress before, during and after the event
  • Listing of our Congress pre- and post-event on all the social media networks where you have a presence (provide event recap via photo story)
  • Placing the Congress e-banner on the company website and other related websites
  • Increasing the media exposure of the Congress in all media channels and outlets associated with your organization to promote decision makers’ attendance
  • Interview event organizers, the various stakeholders, and partners.

Sponsor benefits: As media sponsor you will get benefits that include:

  • Recognition as media sponsor for event
  • Branding and sponsorship recognition on all post-event video productions
  • Branding on event backdrop for press conferences and speaker interviews
  • 10 complimentary conference registrations
  • One single exhibit booth (10’ x 10’) in exhibit hall
  • Full-page, 4-color ad in conference program
  • Full-page, 4-color ad in anniversary banquet and awards ceremony program
  • Logo on conference giveaway
  • Company profile, logo, and contact information in conference program
  • Logo on conference signage, event promotions, event wear and event website
  • Attendee email list
  • Option to participate in ongoing event-day promotions
  • Organization profile included in pre-event social media promotions
  • Dinner with keynotes prior to the first day of the event
  • Six complimentary conference registrations
  • One single booth (10’ x 10’) in exhibit hall
  • ½-page, 4-color ad in conference program
  • Recognition (with logo) in rotating signage from main stage
  • 50-word profile of company/organization in conference program
  • Logo on conference signage, event promotions, and event website
  • Attendee email list
  • Option to participate in ongoing event-day promotions
  • Organization profile included in pre-event social media promotions
  • Listing as co-sponsor of exhibit hall
  • Two complimentary conference registration passes
  • One single booth (10’ x 10’) in the exhibit hall
  • ¼-page, 4-color ad in conference program
  • Logo on conference signage, event promotions, and event website
  • Organization name, website, and contact info in conference brochure
  • Attendee email list
  • Option to participate in ongoing event-day promotions
  • Organization profile included in pre-event social media promotions
  • Improve your brand visibility by including one standard pull up banner or digital signage in areas where advertising is permissible by the Congress Committee. All associated costs must be covered by sponsor.