Planning Programme Committee
The Congress Planning Committee is an ad hoc committee of the Consortium comprised of the Steering Committee members together with volunteers to assist in the planning of the 2nd Global Congress on Biocontrol.
Members of the Planning Programme Committee Include:
Scientific Programme Committee
The role of this subcommittee will be to determine the theme of the annual conference,develop and release the call for Proposals,review all submissions and define the Schedule.
Members of the Scientific Programme Committee Include:
Local Organizing Committee
The role of the local organizing committee is to plan activities and events for 2nd Global Congress outside of scheduled sessions including extra activities or mixer events.
Members of the Local Organizing Committee Include:
The Secretariat is responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing all aspects of congress logistics, speaker arrangements, participant registration, and venue setup and communications, media outreach, and documentation.
Members of the Congress Secretariat Include: