2nd Global Congress on New Emerging Genetic Biocontrol Technologies

March 17-20, 2025, Mensvic Grand Hotels, Accra, Ghana.

Organized by African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium

Theme: New and Emerging Genetic Biocontrol Technologies: Progress made in the Science, Research, Testing, and Environmental Release of Experimental Genetically Modified Biocontrol Products

The African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium is delighted to announce the 2nd Global Congress on New and Emerging Genetic Biocontrol Technologies to take place at Mensvic Grand Hotel, Accra, Ghana in March 17-20, 2025. The aim of the Congress is to bring together experts from around the world to share learnings across diverse disciplines related to genetic biocontrol technologies in a four-day event in Accra, Ghana.

Join Us for the 2nd Global Congress on New and Emerging Genetic Biocontrol Technologies 2025 and be part of the Globe’s Second Congress to advance the Genetic Biocontrol agenda.


The Congress is characterized by

  • Two full days of intensive Pre-Conference Workshops/Symposia/Courses
  • Two full days of the state-of-the-art keynotes, papers, and panel discussions
  • Exhibits on genetic biocontrol products and services
  • Invaluable networking

Topics for consideration

The following topics applicable to genetic biocontrol agents and or products are used as guide to develop proposals for Pre-Conference Courses/Workshops/Symposia as well as Abstracts for presentations during the Conference:


  • Genetics and genetic engineering tools
  • Public health
  • Agriculture, conservation, livestock, and wildlife health
  • Approaches and disease-carrying insects
  • Biosafety, Biosecurity and Biocontainment
  • One health
  • Training and capacity building
  • Policy and Regulatory science of field trials and releases
  • Classical biocontrol
  • Non-genetic/Wolbachia studies
  • Stakeholder and public engagement
  • Quality control and certification of facilities
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Risk Assessment and decision-making
  • Science communication
  • Leadership, governance, and related management issues
  • Innovation, stewardship, entrepreneurship, and related topics
  • Product registration and labelling of GM products

Registration: Details and registration available at congress@genbioconsortium.africa

Registration fees:  The following fees will be charged

CATEGORY BEFORE September 30, 2024AFTER October 31, 2024
Students/Post-doctoral/Early career scientists200250
 Scientists, academics, and professionals250350

All costs will enable the participant to attend the Preconference Courses/Symposia/Workshop and the Conference. Costs exclude travel and accommodation.

African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium Conference Cancellation Policy
  • If a prospective conference participant is unable to attend an event for any reason they may substitute, by arrangement with the African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium Conference Organizing Team, someone else to attend in their place.
  • If a prospective conference participant is unable to attend and African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium Conference Organizing Team is informed in writing by the final date for payment that is displayed on the website for the conference, the fee paid can be left with African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium as payment towards a place at the next Annual Conference the following year.
  • Where the registrant is unable to attend, and is not in a position to transfer his/her place to another person or to another event, then the following refund arrangements apply:
  • Registrations cancelled more than 60 days before the event are eligible for an 80% refund of the registration fees paid.
  • Registrations cancelled less than 60 days, but more than 30 days before the event are eligible for a 50% refund of the registration fees paid.
  • Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event are no longer eligible for a refund.

Important Dates

Join us for the 2nd Global Congress on New and Emerging Genetic Biocontrol Technologies 2025 and be part of the globe’s premier Congress to advance the Genetic Biocontrol agenda.

Call for Abstracts: 31st May 2024 – 30th September 2024

Submit your Abstract, Preconference courses/Workshop and Symposia to congress@genebioconsortium.africa

Exhibits: This is an excellent opportunity to display and discuss your products and services to an international audience. Anyone who supplies, manufactures, provides services or products used in biomedical research, pest and disease control, food and feed products, biosafety and biosecurity should exhibit.

Sponsorship Packages: There are opportunities for sponsorship of the conference through Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver-level packages. Each package includes exclusive sponsorship of a unique aspect of the event (e.g., a session focused on an important industry topic, an off-site program, a social networking reception, etc.). In addition, each sponsorship package delivers other great benefits, such as maximizing speaking opportunities, the promotion of your company brand and expertise internationally—both in advance of the conference and at the event itself, offering complimentary delegate registrations, and much more.  Description of the packages may be accessed here (.. document on sponsorship package) or by contacting the Congress Secretariat genbio@genbiocosnortium.africa for more details on sponsorship opportunities.

For more information http://www.genbioconsortium.africa or contact us using the email congress@genbioconsortium.africa